Well, Here I am. 10 YEARS later. In 2010, at the age of 17 I started dancing for entertainment companies. I was apart of that "Entertainment". Dancing and putting on a "show" for the guests. Adults, Kids, All of it. I have probably entered over 100 catering halls, Danced about 500 events for any season and worked with well over 20 entertainment companies. I chose to do that not only to get more work, But to really see how other companies ran there business and see who could really execute their "Show". And by shows I mean: Communions, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Sweet 16's and Weddings. I have worked at every type of event you can think of.. and I've seen it ALL. I can say for sure that there is a method to the madness on how events should be ran (More of this on another topic). Aside for working these parties, I've been on the back-end for many. Working in the offices of entertainment companies i've learned a lot about what goes into your special event. I've conducted and choreographed dance rehearsal's, designed costumes and clothing for the parties, I've booked talent and choose the best group of talent per each party, and sometimes working with parents to add a special touch to their event (In this case, each Mitzvah needs to always out-do the next.) I've worked with dj's to create special mixes and songs for the background music and grand entrances. With todays events, people love themes, It's important to make sure everything matches. I've always been a perfectionist, But there are SO many little things you look past when it comes to throwing your event. I've definitely learned them all.
So now its time, Had being involved with parties for so long and have worked with couples to prepare for their wedding day rigorously for 3 years now and have won The Best of Weddings in 2019 and 2020.. I'm truly excited to share all my advice, tips, and tricks to have your perfect wedding.